joewaked wrote:
I'm looking at my dog right now. God is responsible for the dog coming into existence and remaining in existence. True so far, right? The dog just moved across the room. (For that matter, I could replace "move" with "breathe" or any action.) Do we say that God caused the dog to move?
We say that God eternally causes and sustains the existence of the dog, including the dog's essence/nature and all of the causal powers associated with that essence/nature, and is thus the First Cause of the entire process (which takes place via secondary causation) dog's-being-conceived-living-its-entire-life-(including-its-movement-across-the-room)-and-finally-dying.
God doesn't, in the sense you appear to mean, directly "make" the dog move. What He does is make there be a dog that has the causal powers necessary for it to move itself, and allow it to exercise them. In whatever sense He is ultimately the cause of what the dog does, He exercises that power "through" the dog, not "on" it, if you know what I mean.
Last edited by Scott (11/08/2015 6:01 pm)