Basic Misconceptions

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Posted by iwpoe
2/16/2016 6:30 pm

Not with this thread but in a future one we should pin answers to common basic misconceptions.

For instance "quantum mechanics has shown the law of noncontradiction to be false."


"You guys think that any set of claims apply to the world as long as they're logically coherent."


I think this thread should be about listing say a dozen of these and providing clear responses.

Fighting to the death "the noonday demon" of Acedia.
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It is precisely “values” that are the powerless and threadbare mask of the objectification of beings, an objectification that has become flat and devoid of background. No one dies for mere values.
~Martin Heidegger
Posted by Timocrates
2/19/2016 6:46 pm

So if I'm understanding you iwpoe, you're saying we should here work out a kind of Q and A to any number of FAQ or common confusions or doubts, then produce a sticky thread so when people ask these questions or demonstrate certain confusion or doubt, we could then point them to the sticky thread? I don't think that's a bad idea.

"The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State."
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 16 (3).

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Posted by iwpoe
2/19/2016 7:19 pm


Fighting to the death "the noonday demon" of Acedia.
My Books
It is precisely “values” that are the powerless and threadbare mask of the objectification of beings, an objectification that has become flat and devoid of background. No one dies for mere values.
~Martin Heidegger

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