Are you familiar with Feser's books? With thomism?
A few recommendations for your studies:
"The One and the Many" by fr. Norris Clarke. It's a good introduction to metaphysics and existential thomism. Will explain to you act and potency, hylemorphism (form and matter), essence and existence, etc. It also has a good exposition of some arguments for the existence of God. Don't aorry too much if you cannot understand everything right away, just read and try to soak in as much as you can.
"Aquinas" by Edward Feser. It's an excellent introduction to thomistic thought, a clear exposition of metaphysics, Aquinas's five ways, psychology (including arguments for the immaterial and immortal soul in human beings), and ethics.
"Five Proofs" by Feser, which is focused on Natural Theology. The arguments here are not the five ways; they include 2 of the five ways (the aristotelean and the thomistic arg) but the other three are the neoplatonist argument, the augustinian argument, and the rationalist argument.
If you carefully read these 3 books you will have a sound start and good ground in most philosophical issues (metaphysics, God's existence, the soul, ethics, some well known disputes e.g. abstract objects, empiricism, etc). Then you can continue studying if you wish