Infinite Past

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Posted by AKG
1/23/2016 4:29 am

I know that the KCA argument is not very popular among classical theism but how viable do you guys find the claim that the past is finite as argued in this video
One comment replied this 
(Quentin Smith quote) ". . .virtually every single mathematician, virtually every single physicist, and virtually every single philosopher believes there's nothing at all wrong with the arithmetic of infinity or applying it to the real world. There's only a tiny handful of people like Bill Craig, and Whitrow, and one or two others who actually try and find problems with it, and it’s simply not at all prevalent, not at all a standardly accepted view in contemporary thinking."
but the maker of the video replied with this "I wasn't arguing that an actual infinity simpliciter is impossible, in this video."
I don't know too much in order to evaluate the claims made, so which side do you guys find more convincing


Posted by iwpoe
1/23/2016 6:02 pm

I myself am at a loss to understand what sense it makes to claim "an infinite number of moments have completed to bring us to now". How possible?

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