Which books do you want to read this month?[url=https://www.amazon.fr/traites-négrières-Essai-dhistoire-globale/dp/2070339025]Les traites négrières: Essai d'histoire globale[/url]I wish this was available in English.
Last edited by Dennis (7/03/2018 8:46 pm)
The European Nations in the West Indies 1492-1688, by Arthur Percival NewtonAnd to accompany that, Spanish Sea: The Gulf of Mexico in North American Discovery 1500-1685 by Robert S Weddle.If I have time, I would like to supplement those two with both volumes of Woodbury Lowery's Spanish Settlements within the present limits of the United States.This is more of a two month project, though.
I'm looking forward to Peter Kingsley's forthcoming book on Carl Jung and Henry Corbin, Catafalque. https://catafalque.org
I want to read John Leslie's books as I think more attention needs to be given to the role of axiology in natural theology. I am not so interesting in the fine-tuning stuff in Universes but Value and Existence and the follow-ups look tantalizing:Infinite Minds: A Philosophical CosmologyImmortality Defended
Last edited by DanielCC (7/11/2018 9:08 am)
Essays on Catholicism, liberalism, and socialism: considered in their fundamental principles (that's the title)
seigneur wrote:Essays on Catholicism, liberalism, and socialism: considered in their fundamental principles (that's the title)
That sounds interesting