1. What subjects will the books be on?
The Categories, the Problem of Universals, Substances, the Problem of Individuation, the Problem of Being, Truthmakers, Modality, Essentialism, Causation, Mereology, Persistence, Space, Time, and more.
2. Will you provide copies of the excerpts, essays, and books?
Yes, so far as we're able.
3. How much do I have to know about ontology to join?
We'll tailor selections to the group's level.
4. Can I suggest a text for the group?
Yes. Just PM me, or bring it up in the group email.
5. What should I do if I have more questions about the reading group?
Ask in this thread.
6. When do we start?
To be announced. (Probably sometime between late October and early November.)
7. How do I sign up?
PM me with the following (or post it in this thread):
• The email address you want to use for the group.
• A rough list of the philosophers you've read.
• The "level" of ontology text you think you can handle. (We're looking for accuracy, not humility.)
• The number of pages you think you're willing and going to be able to read each week.