Hi all,
My name is Chris Kirk Speaks. (No, really, I'm not channeling Zarathustra.) I'm a philosopher at nowhere for now (hence my user name), trained at Western Michigan University, and specializing in history and philosophy of science, although I teach a variety of classes. My original field was analytical chemistry, and I have worked in the environmental and pharmaceutical industry, and taught high school and freshman-level physical sciences and mathematics. As a philosophy instructor at the undergraduate level I do not usually push my own positions, and in many parts lack a strong commitment, but for convenience you can think of me as a 'pre-Modern' philosopher, specifically an Aristotelian with strong inclinations to the Thomist tradition. However my research does not cause me to engage very directly with Thomism.
I am a strong amateur in music, and even occasionally get paid for it in small ways. As Ed Feser loves his comics, I am a fan of cartoon and animation references. Any chance to use *Futurama* is a good day to me. I used to read a lot of science fiction and fantasy, but not for some time, so most of my references to it are pretty old-school. My favorite atheist and second-drawer positivist is Isaac Asimov.
I'm known as Chris, Kirk, and occasionally even Chris-Kirk when a room has examples of each.
Chris Kirk Speaks