The problems titled in the subject text box, just to clear up, are not historical or well-known problems. They are just problems I ran across when I was thinking about Thomistic metaphysics and philosophy in general. These are very general problems. I was just wondering if anybody had an answer to them:
1. Problem of Superposition: To start with an example - we speak about the "order of being" or the "order of truth", "order of becoming... action,,, goodness" and so forth in scholastic philosophy. Now, the idea of "being" for example is a transcendental (i.e. all encompassing - that is, it can't be a species of anything). So far so good. But when we speak about the "order of being"... are we not subsuming being under the category/genus of "order"... The more general problem is: How can two things be the species and genus of each other at the same time (e.g. being as the genus of "order" which is a mental concept, and at the same time order as the genus of being... there are other species of "order" like truth, good, unity, action, becoming.."
2. Panoramic Problem: There are so many ideas in scholastic philosophy: Transcendentals, relations, absolutes, contingency, necessity, accidents, substance, essence, existence, act, potency... does any body know of a book that explains how these are all related to each other systematically - like a big grand taxonomy tree? how essence relates to act? which is more fundamental and so on... with all ideas pertaining to philosophy?