Posted by Mattman 4/03/2016 8:38 am | #1 |
Hey guys so there's an article over at first things About trump and punishing women for having abortions. The comments are becoming very interesting- the pro life side needs a little assistance here.
I'm very much against the idea of punishing women here, but how can we really say abortion should be outlawed as MURDER but only go after the abortionist.
Thoughts appreciated!
Posted by Etzelnik 4/03/2016 8:47 am | #2 |
Personally, I don't take the position that abortion is murder (it ought to be made illegal, but a fetus is merely a potential human being), but regardless, whatever culpability lies in the act lies primarily with the one who actually did the deed. Now, the woman perhaps ought to be judged as an accessory to the crime, but I suspect that her extenuating circumstances can go a far way towards helping her case. In principle, however, you are correct. If abortion is murder, than the woman is accessory to murder.
Posted by iwpoe 4/03/2016 8:58 am | #3 |
I think if you agree that abortion is murder, which follows from the substance argument, then the mother is not, with all due respect to Etz, a mere accessory, but obviously the primary responsible agent in most cases.
Abortion would amount to contract killing. Indeed, since the abortionist is only performing the act because she hired him, she's substantially worse than him on a per-act basis.
I don't understand what these so called extinuating circumstances are supposed to be that get her out of it.
Stess? 'I was really heartbroken so I hired a hitman to kill my ex-girlfriend.' No, that doesn't work.
Ignorance? 'I didn't know that the hitman I hired was going to kill my exgirlfriend. I just give him money and told him to do somthing about her.' or 'I didn't know my exgirlfriend was a person, so I hired at hitman to like just smash her like a bad ming vase.' No, that doesn't seem to work.
Last edited by iwpoe (4/04/2016 2:41 am)
Posted by DanielCC 4/03/2016 9:08 am | #4 |
Mattman wrote:
I'm very much against the idea of punishing women here, but how can we really say abortion should be outlawed as MURDER but only go after the abortionist.
A point Timocrates made in another thread should be stressed - the idea of legal punishment for women would only apply in situations after abortion has been illegalised, that is all those who took part it beforehand would face no legal threat. In fact a good proportion of the persons involved might not even be morally culpable as they had grounds, false grounds it turns out but still coherent grounds, for holding that the fetus does not count as a human being.
Posted by Etzelnik 4/03/2016 9:10 am | #5 |
iwpoe wrote:
I think if you agree that abortion is murder, which follows from the substance argument, then the mother is not, with all due respect to Etz, a mere accessory, but obviously the primary responsible agent in most cases.
Abortion would amount to contract killing. Indeed, since the abortionist is only performing the act because she hired him, she's substantially worse than him on a per-act basis.
I don't understand what these so called extinuating circumstances are supposed to be that get her out of it.
Stess? 'I was really heartbroken so I hired a hitman to kill my ex-girlfriend.' No, that doesn't work.
Ignorance? 'I didn't know that the hitman I hired was going to kill my exgirlfriend. I just give him money and told him to do somthing about her.' or 'I didn't know my egirlfriend was a person, so I hired at hitman to like just smash her like a bad ming vase.' No, that doesn't see to work.
I think I concede the point if we indeed view the fetus as a person. I should repeat though, that I don't hold that position, as the fetus in actua has no more faculties of intellection than an animal.
Posted by iwpoe 4/03/2016 9:17 am | #6 |
DanielCC wrote:
Mattman wrote:
I'm very much against the idea of punishing women here, but how can we really say abortion should be outlawed as MURDER but only go after the abortionist.
A point Timocrates made in another thread should be stressed - the idea of legal punishment for women would only apply in situations after abortion has been illegalised, that is all those who took part it beforehand would face no legal threat. In fact a good proportion of the persons involved might not even be morally culpable as they had grounds, false grounds it turns out but still coherent grounds, for holding that the fetus does not count as a human being.
Hmm. Aren't you still in principle guilty- metaphysically, I suppose? Christianity often speaks of this- substantial guilt.
Posted by iwpoe 4/03/2016 9:21 am | #7 |
Etzelnik wrote:
I think I concede the point if we indeed view the fetus as a person. I should repeat though, that I don't hold that position, as the fetus in actua has no more faculties of intellection than an animal.
Well, as you know about me and the pater familias, I'm hardly sympathetic to the substantial view because I basically think that's the wrong level for ethics, but I'll take the Catholic consensus while I'm here, and it's hard for me to see how mothers don't ultimately deserve punishment on the view.
I'm also inclined to think that, if the substance argument is correct, then mothers are at least in principle guilty of some form of negligent manslaughter.
Posted by DanielCC 4/03/2016 10:02 am | #8 |
iwpoe wrote:
[ I'm hardly sympathetic to the substantial view because I basically think that's the wrong level for ethics...
What do you mean with that last part?
Posted by iwpoe 4/03/2016 10:40 am | #9 |
DanielCC wrote:
iwpoe wrote:
[ I'm hardly sympathetic to the substantial view because I basically think that's the wrong level for ethics...
What do you mean with that last part?
I don't want to go there at the moment. I don't wish to defend publicly repugnant conclusions. Etz knows because we've discussed it before.