Skeptical theism Pandora's box response.

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Posted by AKG
7/11/2017 9:57 am

I found a somewhat interesting issue regarding skeptical theism and the problem of Evil by Stephen Law: What are everyone else's thoughts on this argument(I know Law isn't good with regards to classical theism, but he might present a challenge to non-classical theistic responses to evil like skeptical theism)

Posted by Jeremy Taylor
7/11/2017 7:45 pm

Stephen Law is a rank sophist. I have seen him literally using gnu tactics on his blog combos. Everything I have seen from him leads me to think he has absolutely nothing of worth to add to philosophy of religion. He clearly has no real knowledge of classical theism, for example, despite its overwhelming importance in the history of theism.

Posted by AKG
7/11/2017 7:56 pm

Yeah I know that(I remember the Evil God fiasco). But for this argument I can't think of a defense for the skeptical theist, but then again I don't know much about skeptical theism.

Posted by Jeremy Taylor
7/11/2017 8:49 pm

It seems a silly argument to me, as one might expect from Law. Surely sceptical theism is the claim we can't understand all of the way in which God has ordered the world, and therefore the reaaons behind some suffering aee not fully known to us. Law seems to take this to mean we can't understand anything about God or how he acts, but I see no reason to make this leap.


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