Classical Theism, Philosophy, and Religion Forum

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10/25/2016 8:41 pm  #1

Pre-Election Links

With everyone busy and only two weeks before elections, it seems like a good time for another one of those ever-so-fashionable link lists:

Massimo Pigliucci lectures secularists on Stoicism.

• Over at SirisBrandon writes about Schiller on Gracefulness.

• Over at The Electric Agora, E. John Winner discusses Hegel's Logical Consciousness.

• For the fellow who asked about ancient philosophy blogs.

• An old but interesting article on Lewis and parsimony by Ross Cameron.

• Kenny Pearce announces the start of the Prosblogion Virtual Colloquium. (You can find the first two papers here and here.)

• Is the God of the Bible the God of the Philosophers? Eleonore Stump thinks so.

• Bill Vallicella has been writing important stuff about transcendence and the discursive framework here, here, here, here, here, and here. Check it out.

• Three posts on the philosophy of booze from the archives of Edward Feser: The Metaphysics of the Martini[/url], [url=]The Metaphysics of the Martini Revisited[/url], and [url=]The phenomenology of spirits. (To help Americans through the coming weeks.)

Closing Time, by Tom Waits.


11/01/2016 1:51 pm  #2

Re: Pre-Election Links

Brandon has a nice All Saints post.

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