Classical Theism, Philosophy, and Religion Forum

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Chit-Chat » Should we update to new forum software? » 1/11/2019 2:48 am

@ Jeremy Taylor

Dang, I knew AKG was in bad shape, but he's worst than I thought. I warned him about sinking to such levels, but he never listened. Also, why Dr. Feser doesn't ban him? As far as I know, I don't think he's going to change any time soon, so I think its highly likely he will troll Dr. Feser's blog especially if politics or the T word are mentioned. He just goes on and on about that stuff all over social media. 

Chit-Chat » Should we update to new forum software? » 1/10/2019 1:42 pm

Stardusty. Wait a Nazi showed up? When?

@Jeremy Taylor
AKG asked to be banned and then you rebanned him? Weird. Also, does he stalk you?

Religion » Jesus Christ » 12/16/2018 2:44 am

How is Mythicism becoming more popular? Mythicism is mostly popular on the internet, especially among New Atheists. Besides, whether the historical Jesus existed is a settled question in academia.

Chit-Chat » Christine Blasey Ford is a liar » 10/04/2018 11:23 am

Well, you are not the only one who feels this way. Also, the FBI found no signs of sexual misconduct. 

Theoretical Philosophy » Moral arguments » 7/18/2018 1:34 am

Check out the philosopher John Rist, especially his work Real Ethics. Also I would like to add my two cents.

"I think my current view, which I'm still developing, is that although the objectivity of morality is grounded in natures, independently from God, the *experience* we often have of good/evil is indicative of transcendence and divinity."

Hmmm, but aren't we contingent beings, so ultimately where do ground our natures? If that's the case then wouldn't the objectivity of morality be ontologically dependent on God (or a Platonic metaphysics)?


Chit-Chat » ​Who are your three biggest philosophical influences? » 7/03/2018 9:36 pm

Hmmm, so far my three biggest philosophical influences are William Lane Craig, Edward Feser and John Rist. 

William Lane Craig introduced me to Christian analytic philosophy, and the rationality of Christianity. Dr. Feser introduced me to classical philosophy with an analytic bent. Finally, John Rist convinced me of the importance of a Platonist metaphysics.  

Special mentions are J.L Mackie (His queerness argument has some interesting implications) and Nietzsche (He's kind of funny).

Theoretical Philosophy » The Modal Problem of Evil » 5/18/2018 1:30 am

@ Miguel
Interesting thoughts, nevertheless, I will pitch in my two cents.
I think if one denies the PSR then such notion of gratuitous evil arises (Unsurprisingly, the atheist who denies the PSR comes up with this notion). Thus, I think that if one accepts a strong form of the PSR* then this notion of gratuitous evil is weakened or gone. 

*Of course, the non-believer can attack a strong form of the PSR by appealing to say modal collapse. However, personally, I'm not really convinced by such move because then we are bringing in brute facts into the picture or might as well give up philosophy and our basic rational intuitions.

Theoretical Philosophy » The Modal Problem of Evil » 5/16/2018 11:37 pm

Hi Miguel,
I thought about this argument. Do you really think it all comes down to the PSR?

Chit-Chat » How to end atheist provincianism/promote philosophical education? » 4/22/2018 3:48 am

Hmmm, good question, I too have been thinking about this. Perhaps we need a radical cultural transformation. What kind of "radical cultural transformation"? I'm not so sure, one can speculate.

Chit-Chat » What was your red pill moment? » 4/20/2018 1:47 am

Yes, I recommend Gale's On the Nature and Existence of God, Mackie's Miracle of Theism, Schellenberg's Divine Hiddenness and Human Reason, and Rowe's The Cosmological Argument. Of course, there are others but I think those are worthy of attention. 

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