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9/13/2016 1:53 pm  #1


I've been reading a lot of him lately with a linear translation. Are there any other German poets of the same flavor? 

Noli turbare circulos meos.

9/13/2016 2:33 pm  #2

Re: Schiller

I like me some Schiller. Have you read his Mission of Moses. Interesting essay. Try Goethe for another poet.


9/14/2016 8:15 am  #3

Re: Schiller

Hölderlin has his moments, but Schiller is rather unique.

Fighting to the death "the noonday demon" of Acedia.
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It is precisely “values” that are the powerless and threadbare mask of the objectification of beings, an objectification that has become flat and devoid of background. No one dies for mere values.
~Martin Heidegger

9/14/2016 1:43 pm  #4

Re: Schiller

AKG wrote:

I like me some Schiller. Have you read his Mission of Moses. Interesting essay. Try Goethe for another poet.

I have. I obviously believe he misinterpreted the essence of the Mosaic Law, but I still do love him as a poet.

Noli turbare circulos meos.
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