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Posted by Scott
7/09/2015 8:52 pm

Timocrates wrote:

Further, it would be nice if this forum might later try to find a feature that allowed one to search-engine the content (from this forum) of Dr. Feser's blog, as this would make it easy to find relevant entries and then link back to them from here (but that, no doubt, is an ideal).

Having such an engine on this forum would be great, but short of that, it's easy enough to do the same thing on Google using its site-specific search feature.

Probably a lot of people already know about it, but for anyone who doesn't, here's how it works. Enter the following in the Google search box just as it appears (and note that there's no space between the colon and the site URL):

"classical theism"

This search will return all the pages on Ed's blog that contain the exact phrase "classical theism," even when the phrase appears only in the comments (although I think -- but am not sure -- that it may need to be on the first page of comments).

To search for something else, just replace "classical theism" with your own search. (Google has some useful advanced search features, which you can access from that page or just enter by hand in the regular search window if you know how. Note that the site-specific search appears on that page as an option as well.)

Last edited by Scott (7/09/2015 8:53 pm)

Posted by Timocrates
7/09/2015 9:00 pm

Scott wrote:

Timocrates wrote:

Further, it would be nice if this forum might later try to find a feature that allowed one to search-engine the content (from this forum) of Dr. Feser's blog, as this would make it easy to find relevant entries and then link back to them from here (but that, no doubt, is an ideal).

Having such an engine on this forum would be great, but short of that, it's easy enough to do the same thing on Google using its site-specific search feature.

Well, I personally boycott Google but if a direct link to that feature for Dr. Feser's site would be an excellent start!

I would also add that it often happened that when I was looking up questions not only concerning the Catholic faith but even philosophical questions and issues my search engine would from time to time bring up the American "Catholic Answers Forum" threads. Consequently, I might (if I ran this Forum) ask search engines what sort of question criteria are likely to bring up forums and their threads. This might be especially good for professor Feser as it would not only draw people to this Forum, but also to his work and website indirectly (especially if a direct link to Dr. Feser's blog was included here on the 'banner' part of the webpage).

"The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State."
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 16 (3).

Defend your Family. Join the U.N. Family Rights Caucus.
Posted by Jeremy Taylor
7/09/2015 9:03 pm

Apart from what Scott said, we have to use the options the forum software allows, and I don't think such an option is available on the forum itself. I could be wrong though.

I do think you Timocrates is correct we need to endorse Dr. Feser's blog. I will place a thread linking to it in the philosophy forum and perhaps the announcement one.

Posted by Timocrates
7/14/2015 9:57 pm

Just a congratulations to the forum operators and moderators. You have in not long had 89 members and over 1,000 posts! Thank you for making this forum and also for your excellent job moderating it!

Blessings to you all!


"The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State."
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 16 (3).

Defend your Family. Join the U.N. Family Rights Caucus.
Posted by DanielCC
7/15/2015 4:40 pm

Our thanks to you and to everyone else who’s contributed to discussion by posting on these boards. May they go from strength to strength!


Posted by Etzelnik
7/15/2015 6:17 pm

I second the above posts!

Noli turbare circulos meos.


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