Posted by Hypatia 10/05/2018 3:29 pm | #41 |
Posted by Jeremy Taylor 10/05/2018 6:40 pm | #42 |
Yes, it is a stupidity of Marxism to talk as if such things as bourgeois, but that is what happened. It is eye-opening to see Western intellectuals, from Hobsbawn to Merleau-Ponty, line up to excuse or dissemble over communist tyranny and oppression.
As Scruton notes, there's something almost nihilistic in the use of the word bourgeois. Lukacs, Adorno, Sartre, Foucault, hated most of their own society, and by labelling it bourgeois (even when it went back far beyond this) and, in various ways, entirely tainted by its exploitative origin, they could call for its total destruction, with some vague Marxist utopia to replace it.
Even when I was a late teenage libertarian socialist, Marxism never really appealed to me, even of the council communist variety. The historical materialism and class struggle stuff just turned me off. Marx's business cycle theory is insightful and he did some interesting work on primitive accumulation; otherwise, I think Prince Kroptkin, William Morris, Proudhon, or Benjamin Tucker much more interesting socialists.
Interestingly, Marxism originally didn't have much influence on the British left. When the first wave of Labour MPs got to parliament around 1910, they did a survey of their favourite political work. The top influence was Ruskin's Unto This Last. Cobbett, Ruskin, Carlyle, Morris, H. J. Massingham, Tawney, were, for a long time, far more important to the British left than Marxism. It would be a good day if Marxism and identity politics could be dropped for these authors by the British left.
And how can an actual bourgeois value, such as instituting the distinctions of prosperity between employees, business owners, and consumers, anything to do with basic fairness?
Even as anti-capitalist, I find this irrelevant. It is nothing like the liquidation of the Kulaks. That's proletarian justice!
For example the LGBT gang keeps pressing the button of basic fairness and drags people to court to be judged according to law, no? So, rather than abolishing basic fairness, the idea is to redefine it and then to employ it with redefinition for their own purposes. Just like it happened/is happening with marriage - they did not abolish it but redefined it so that it is on the way of becoming a pointless thing.
Yes, as Scruton shows, newspeak has been an important feature of the left since the Jacobins, but especially in the Marxist tradition. Orwell knew this well. And we see it more than ever today.
One of the ways identity politics has come to thrive is by passing itself off as just a continuation of old fashioned liberal ideas of justice and equality. But identity politics subtly switches its very different, collectivist, Marxist-inspired framework for the more common sense, individualist liberal one. So, for example, both the liberal and the leftist believe strongly in equality between men and women, so today the leftist insinuates himself with the liberal for various complex reasons and the boundaries blur between the two, but the leftist brings with him his whole schema. And the left-liberal thinks he's just defending the equality of women in a basic liberal way, as he has long done, whilst drawing more and more from radical feminist, Marxist-inspired nonsense, like patriarchy, rape culture, etc. Even if he doesn't always use the exact vocabulary, more and more of the basic ideas, assumptions, and perspectives filter through. Today, the British and American mainstream left are increasingly an unstable amalgamation of liberalism and radicalism. The gay marriage ruling was the swan song of a purer, live and let live liberalism. Already, the civil libertarian aspect of mainstream left-liberalism is significantly on the wane. Those who just a decade or two ago were vociferous followers of Voltaire's maxim on free speech, are now defenders of more and more restrictions. Some of this maybe because they have won the culture wars, and the restrictions now are generally on their ideological opponents. But some of it is clearly due to the spread of quasi-Marxist ideas. In Marxism free speech given equally to different classes, regardless of their wealth and power, is no free speech at all. This idea has spread, so whilst in liberals individuals deserve basic rights, no matter what class or class-like group they belong to, left-liberals today are less sure of this.
Posted by Jeremy Taylor 10/05/2018 7:00 pm | #43 |
Posted by Hypatia 10/05/2018 7:42 pm | #44 |
Posted by Jeremy Taylor 10/05/2018 8:16 pm | #45 |
Posted by Hypatia 10/05/2018 10:57 pm | #46 |
Posted by Jeremy Taylor 10/06/2018 1:11 am | #47 |
Posted by seigneur 10/06/2018 3:58 am | #48 |
Posted by Jeremy Taylor 10/06/2018 4:19 am | #49 |
Posted by FZM 10/06/2018 4:33 am | #50 |