RomanJoe wrote:
honestly couldn't give a solid reason which is why I prefaced it as something I would "like" to happen.
Ah, okay. I thought you meant “I like to think” in more of a “I like to think people would have the good sense to listen to reason and. . .” kind of way. 
Why do you think PSR has taken such a beating in the past two centuries?
Superficially, a lot of people admit brute facts because they're naturalists.* Armstrong and David Lewis, for example, are both totally explicit about this when starting their systems. Less superficially, I think you might be able to explain some of this in terms of Hume and early analytic philosophers' influence (see Daniel's discussion of analytic philosophers and modal notions here).
I've seen some scholastic authors suggest that people have moved away from the PSR as a result of their moving away from an intellectualist God, but even voluntarists might be able to affirm the PSR if they're willing to go as far as some contemporary authors and, for example, embrace the idea that free choices (in the libertarian sense) are explanations. I don't know much about the history of the PSR, though.
*N. B. I consider naturalism, the thesis that only spacetime and its contents exist, and atheism, the thesis that God doesn't exist, distinct. I also consider naturalism and physicalism, the thesis that everything obeys the laws of physics, distinct.