His argument is largely based on appealing to Rougier’s le politicale prattle about Aristotle’s own philosophy being different from that of his scholastic interpreters, followed by a discussion of Kantian rubbish about existence leading to a Divine Solipsism of Pure Will. Apologies for the strong words - I have a pathologically low tolerance to Francophone agitationsism or mechanical repetitions of Kant.
Guénon has interesting things to say about the relationship between immanent and transcendent universals in Scholasticism in Crisis of the Modern World amongst other volumes.
Jeremy Taylor wrote:
I have heard he was a particular authority on spiritual alchemy and Hermeticism. Despite the fact that I sometimes call myself a Platonist-Hermeticist, theurgy/ spiritual alchemy has not been something I have delved into much.
I wouldn't reckon his volume on Symbolism (The Hermetic Tradition) - it's tainted by a spurius ‘rebellious warrior elite’ mysticism of his own devising. Titus Burckhardt's Alchemey book is infinitely superior.
Last edited by DanielCC (8/09/2015 8:39 am)