For me, the most compelling case for mathematical platonism appeals to my strong intuition that (say) the twin prime conjecture must have a determinate truth value. The intuition is that this conjecture has a truth value even if
(1) it turns out not to be a logical consequence of any of our axioms,
(2) it turns out not to be a logical consequence of any axioms that would ever seem "intuitively obvious" to us, and
(3) its truth or falsity depends on the behavior of integers so large that no actual thing will ever realize them (i.e., be numerous enough to be counted by them).
I don't know how to make sense of this intuition without positing something like "platonic" integers that exist independently of human thought and even of the existence of numerable things.
The biggest problem with such platonic entities, for me, is that I don't see how we could have any knowledge of them, even if they do exist. They don't seem to do any work in accounting for actual mathematical knowledge or practice.
The upshot is that I've gradually lost confidence in my intuition that the twin prime conjecture would have a truth value even under the circumstances that I described above.