I just read Dr. Feser's article, teleology a shoppers guide. Near the end of the article he states that in order for final causes to be intelligible they must exist in an intellect before they appear in the natural world as otherwise their would be the case of a nonexistence cause producing an effect. He states: "Nor can it exist in some human or other intellect within the natural order, at least not without a vicious regress. Humans obviously are not the ones directing acorns and other natural objects (including human beings themselves) to their natural ends; and if we supposed that some other nonhuman but still natural intellects were doing so, this would just raise the question of what directs those intellects (since they too would be natural objects with final causes of their own) to their ends". With regards to this I'm a bit confused as under A-T isn't the intellect immaterial and thus not part of the natural order, which would not make it fall under natural objects that need to have final causes imparted by them by an outside source? Couldn't an intellect direct itself towards its own final cause due to having the ability to make conscious choices and think?