884heid wrote:
Hello, ding, what made you become an entry level Christian?
Well, it's a long and not very interesting story. But I'll say this much. Even though I decided as a teenager that I was an atheist, unlike many atheists (such as my father), I could never quite just walk away and leave it alone. I kept being drawn back, if not to Christianity then to something. For a long time it was ABC spirituality (Anything But Christianity): Sidha Yoga, various "alternative" revelations, whatever passes for Buddhism in the US, and so on. I kept quiet about these things when I was around my philosophy friends.
At some point I became aware that I was in serious denial about my own inner state. I actually found some of the arguments for the existence of God more compelling than I was willing to let on. I found the historical case for the resurrection of Jesus also stronger than I'd been willing to consider. When Antony Flew published his about-face book, There Is a God, in 2007, I found I couldn't keep up the pretense of atheism. I was, and still am, impressed by the fine-tuning argument, and unimpressed by the various attempts to refute it.
There's more, but that's enough. I'm still very confused theologically.