I think Zoroastrian dualism is more usually understood as cosmological rather than metaphysical. That is, Ahura Mazda is indeed omnipotent and perfect in Zoroastrian thought. He is the only God. Angra Mainyu is not another God. He is an evil spirit, like satan, in no sense equal to Ahura Mazda. Zoroastrianism simply emphasises the cosmological role of the duality between good and evil even beyond what is seen in the semitic monotheisms and other faiths; it is, though, a duality that is overcome and is not fundamental. This, at least, is my understanding of the general Zoroastrian view (contrary to some claims, one with deep roots in the faith). There certainly have been radical or metaphysical dualists amongst Zoroastrians, including the important theologican Mardan-Farrukh, but it has never been the dominant position, as it may have been for Manichaeism, some radical offshoots of Zoroastrianism, and certain strains of what is called today Gnosticism.