Nice article. Reading your own posts I'm coming to think I'm more and more willing to affirm necessitarianism, as it seems to allow for an A-T approach more consistent with my own views and I've never found anything objectionable about determinism in any event. And it seems to me if determinism is unobjectionable, then so is necessitarianism. One interesting thing is that your view of Aquinas's thoughts on free will seem very similar to mine; I was reading him an an economist versed in rational choice theory, and when one reads Aquinas saying the will is ordered to the good based on what the intellect affirms as good, it starts sounding very much like rational choice theory because (on that view) there's little sense to be made of an individual choosing something that wouldn't maximize their happiness (or utility, etc.) given their preferences, the information presently available to them, etc. Ed himself says something broadly similar to this in his article "Being, the Good, and the Guise of the Good" I think, when he specifically says Aquinas has a 'thin' conception of the good w.r.t. the will being ordered to the good.
Last edited by UGADawg (1/21/2018 10:58 pm)