School Shootings, Nihilism and Rage

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Posted by Clinias
2/19/2018 4:37 pm

It is unbelievable the amount of school shootings which are horrendous. That kids are attacking other kids. 

This is unknown in World History. There are many factors that are causing this and this shows the complete lack of virtue in American society, the incompetence of training boys into men; the lack of piety/religion in society, and the propaganda of anti-male and feminism. 

Every philosopher reads Plato's Republic, and Socrates going around asking if Virtue can be taught. This is the job of philosophy but no philosopher not only is engaged in education of males, they don't even teach virtue or even know what it means. Central to Philosophy is education. Plato ran a school. The Doric Greeks, the founders of philosophy, who had "complete philosophic states", created a very sophisticated and complete educational system for the training of boys. 

PJ media has published an excellent article on one of the real causes of school shootings---Fatherlessness. In an ariticle "When Will We Have the Guts to Link Fatherlessness to School Shootings?" The writer quotes a Dr. Warren Farrell who says:

"Minimal or no father involvement, whether due to divorce, death, or imprisonment, is common to Adam Lanza, Elliott Rodgers, Dylan Roof  and Stephen Paddock.In the case of 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, he was adopted at birth. His adoptive dad died when Nikolas was much younger, and doubtless the challenges of this fatherlessness was compounded by the death of his adoptive mom three and a half months ago."

The article is a must read. It is not about guns, it is about the lack of male involvement, and training in masculinity and manhood. None of that is going on today in any of our educational institutions. In the twenties and thirties and even up into the 60s, all sorts of boys took guns to schools in the rural areas because after school, they went hunting. Guns have always been in American homes from the very beginning. 

A long time ago, I read a fascinating article on the difference between males and females. The premise of the article is that boys don't naturally know how to be men. Females are different. Becoming a woman is natural for girls, more or less. Put a female on an island, and she develops into a woman. 

Do that with a boy, and he becomes a barbarian. To become a man is NOT instinctive. It has to be trained. No boy knows what it means to become a man. He has to be trained. As both Leon Podles in his book The Church Impotent and this Dr. Warren Farrell, are both screaming about in the necessity of male development and the inculcation of masculinity and manliness. 

The school shootings are a sign of the total failure of our educational institutions and American society in general. Guns have been in American homes for ever and nothing like this has appeared in early American society. Something has changed---and it ain't the guns. Something else is going on. It is the Philosopher's job to find out. Fatherlessness is one of the causes of this problem. 

"We are not in the world to give the laws...but in order to obey the commands of the gods".
~ Plutarch, priest of Apollo at the Doric Temple of Delphi.
Posted by Clinias
2/19/2018 7:53 pm

The Maverick Philosopher, Bill Vallicella. links to and seconds the opinion of Andrew Klavan. The Maverick Philosopher titles his piece, "School Shootings: It's the culture, stupid". 

Andrew Klavan's article: "The Left Is Reaping the Whirlwind of the Culture They Made"

Andrew writes: "It was after a school shooting near Spokane last September that Spokane Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich addressed a clutch of reporters: 

When I was in high school, every one of those rigs in the high school parking lot had a gun in the gun rack. Why? We went hunting on the way home. None of those guns ever walked into a school, none of those guns ever shot anybody... Did the gun change or did you as a society change? I'll give you odds it was you as a society. Because you started glorifying cultures of violence. You glorified the gang culture, you glorified games that actually gave you points for raping and killing people. The gun didn't change, we changed.

He is absolutely right. Klavan paints a pretty good picture of current American culture. 

And what is that culture essentially?   Nihilistic. It is a culture without values, without substance. It is a culture without God. It is culture of banality, of shallowness. It is without meaning. Nihilistic.

Why is that?  It has no standards, no discipline. It is on purpose that America has developed into a Nihilistic culture. Modern America is the product of the Enlightenment's finished product. Tolerance, ambivalence, non-judgementalism. Tolerance means that all is equal; there is no value in particularity and so we can't make decisions. The Enlightenment was about softness. It is this softness that breeds the Nihilistic culture. 

As posted in an earlier thread, microcosm/macrocosm is a very important principle. Things repeat. What we see in the school shooters is exactly what happens in the families showcased on SuperNanny 911 and other shows of this sort. The Lack of Discipline, The Lack of Standards. The Lack of Consistency all breed brats that lash out--at parents, siblings. 

The same paradigms that happen in weak homes is showcased in our society by the school shootings and other mass shootings. The Lashing out. The School Shootings are a Lashing Out, the same things that happen in the homes of the SuperNanny shows. Just the degrees are different. 

America is reaping the rewards of the 60s culture. 

And as Scripture says: "The wicked shall be turned into Hell". 

"We are not in the world to give the laws...but in order to obey the commands of the gods".
~ Plutarch, priest of Apollo at the Doric Temple of Delphi.
Posted by seigneur
2/20/2018 11:05 am

Clinias wrote:

Why is that?  It has no standards, no discipline. It is on purpose that America has developed into a Nihilistic culture. Modern America is the product of the Enlightenment's finished product. Tolerance, ambivalence, non-judgementalism. Tolerance means that all is equal; there is no value in particularity and so we can't make decisions. The Enlightenment was about softness. It is this softness that breeds the Nihilistic culture. 

As posted in an earlier thread, microcosm/macrocosm is a very important principle. Things repeat. What we see in the school shooters is exactly what happens in the families showcased on SuperNanny 911 and other shows of this sort. The Lack of Discipline, The Lack of Standards. The Lack of Consistency all breed brats that lash out--at parents, siblings. 

The same paradigms that happen in weak homes is showcased in our society by the school shootings and other mass shootings. The Lashing out. The School Shootings are a Lashing Out, the same things that happen in the homes of the SuperNanny shows. Just the degrees are different. 

America is reaping the rewards of the 60s culture.

Why does this specifically affect the United States of America? Why not Canada? Does Canada have better standards, better discipline, better schools? You certainly would not say so. Did Enlightenment and the 60's not reach Canada? Of course they did.

So it cannot be enlightenment or 60's culture. There must be some particular reason related to USA.

Last edited by seigneur (2/20/2018 11:05 am)

Posted by Clinias
2/20/2018 2:28 pm

seigneur wrote:

So it cannot be enlightenment or 60's culture. There must be some particular reason related to USA.

Nice bait, Seigneur. But how can it happen that it didn't happen BEFORE 1960s America? Can you answer that?

The availability of guns is not the problem. 

Suicide and homicide rates by age were analyzed for Canada and the United States, indicating that suicide is higher in Canada and that homicide is higher in the United States. 

From an abstract of a Paper which compare murder and suicide rates between both Canada and America. 

See, this is not about "guns". What do you think the opiod abuse is?  See, Philosophy looks at Metaphysics. What you have is that individuals who are so damaged by nihilistic society either take drugs to drown out their sorrows, drink themselves to death as they do in Britain, or in America, The Men of Action, which school shootings are a prt of this, instead of harming themselves---they harm others. 

See, I'm not fooled by the shadows of this world:  the pressures that cause individuals cause harm either to themselves privately or harm person publicly  is the same. 

See, you don't care about the "secret" and "private" damage being done to Western males but only interested in the Showy Mass shootings. If there was NO guns, these boys and Steven Paddock would simply have committed suicide. And you Mr. Seignur, wouldn't give a rat's ass about that. 

Let's break it down to its essence. What is a "Mass Shooting"? It is basically "harm". Well, there is no difference between harm privately and harm publicly. The harm publicly is more attention getting. That is exactly the motive of Dyland Klebold and Danny Harris. They wanted a show. If they had no guns---they would have committed a group suicide. 

Guns don't matter. 

What is going on is that not only is the West on autogenocide---it is on autosuicide. Nihilism, as Fr. Seraphim Rose teaches in his book, "Nihilism, the Root of Revolution in the Modern Age", seeks destruction. They purposely seek to destroy. If there were no guns, all of these individuals would have taken roads, either drug abuse, suicide or drinking to death, to kill themselves. Western males are killing themselves. There are many avenues. Using a gun for a mass shooting is just ONE way that happens. Do we concern ourselves with the silent private harm going on? Why are most Canadians committing suicide? Because their culture is Nihilistic. Most Canadian males, like the rest of European males are a bunch of panzies. They are either going to drink themselves to death, or they commit suicide. 

Why do you think masses of Westerners are putting piercings and tattoos on their bodies for? It is all a sign of Nihilism. 

Harm is Harm. Doesn't matter whether private or public. 

But our cultural elites---want men to off-themselves. The more the better. Our globalist leaders don't give a d*mn about us. They really don't. Our educational institutions really don't care about white males. The more that off-themselves the better. Secondly, our media, our government, our CIA want guns gone out of America. They are not going to solve the cultural issues because they want the continuing degradation of the European male. 

I'm not fooled. The whole modern world is a lie. It is all a dog-n-pony show. Nothing is right. Nothing is serious. It is all Kabuki Theatre--the Theatre of the absurd. 


"We are not in the world to give the laws...but in order to obey the commands of the gods".
~ Plutarch, priest of Apollo at the Doric Temple of Delphi.
Posted by seigneur
2/21/2018 3:28 am

Clinias wrote:

seigneur wrote:

So it cannot be enlightenment or 60's culture. There must be some particular reason related to USA.

Nice bait, Seigneur. But how can it happen that it didn't happen BEFORE 1960s America? Can you answer that?

Well, nice bait in return from you.

You were proposing a cause to this specifically American problem and all I am saying is that Enlightenment and the 60's are not the causes, because Enlightenment and the 60's happened all over the world and did not cause the same specifically American problem everywhere.

And I was assuming that you considered school shootings a problem. In your latest post it's not so clear anymore. Now it looks like you consider school shootings a manifestation of American manliness and that the rest of the world is wussies or something.

Clinias wrote:

See, this is not about "guns". What do you think the opiod abuse is?  See, Philosophy looks at Metaphysics. What you have is that individuals who are so damaged by nihilistic society either take drugs to drown out their sorrows, drink themselves to death as they do in Britain, or in America, The Men of Action, which school shootings are a prt of this, instead of harming themselves---they harm others. 

See, I'm not fooled by the shadows of this world:  the pressures that cause individuals cause harm either to themselves privately or harm person publicly  is the same. 

See, you don't care about the "secret" and "private" damage being done to Western males but only interested in the Showy Mass shootings. If there was NO guns, these boys and Steven Paddock would simply have committed suicide. And you Mr. Seignur, wouldn't give a rat's ass about that. 

I like debating, this topic too among others, but I really don't care how you jump into false conclusions so quick and deep that it's not worth the time and effort to deconstruct.

Posted by Clinias
2/21/2018 10:52 am

My apologies for "false conclusions", I take you for a liberal so I responded in kind. My apologies. 

"And I was assuming that you considered school shootings a problem. In your latest post it's not so clear anymore. Now it looks like you consider school shootings a manifestation of American manliness and that the rest of the world is wussies or something."

The gun culture is "a manifestation of American manliness". American males before the 1970s grew up on Westerns. American culture, which is specifically "American" is about guns in some respect. Hunting is not an aristocratic sport as in Old Europe but is a part of the common everyday man in America. Look at Australia, at the turn of a button, all those wusses turned over their guns. They are now slaves. 

What Adam Lanza, Elliott Rodgers, Dylan Roof, Stephen Paddock. Nikolas Cruz, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold are all failed men. They do not have any other sense of Manliness but guns. Guns, the Gun Culture in America are a part of Manliness; they are part of the American psyche. But these boys/men are all failures at being men and because they were not trained, habitualized into being men, they only facet of being a man is the gun. And they use the gun to lash out as a proof of their manhood. They have a false perception of what it means to be a man because they were NEVER given the true and right spirit of Manhood. 

What are the first Four Virtues?  Does anybody know?

The four Virtues are Manliness, Righteousness, Prudence and Self-Control. 

No body in America has been raised in this! The Greek word used in Virtue is "Andrea". That is the connotations in Greek of that word, "andrea" is man and courage. In all English translations of that word, translators always use the word "courage". 


It translate that term fully and correctly, it needs to be Manliness. That is the basic cognate of the term. Manliness. Manhood. 

What does that include?

It includes, Strength training, stamina, quickness/flexibility (or aerobic activity), the ability to give and take a punch (or fighting skills, more specifically Hand to hand, wrestling), coordination, Hardness/Ruggedness and courage. Those are the ingredients of the Virtue of Manliness. One can't have the last "courage" without the foregoing ingredients for they feed into the last.  How does one have courage, when one is a physical weakling?

Look at Nicholas Cruz---weak of body. Bullied in school. Just look at his frame. No one took the time to habitualize him into manliness. He is a failed man. The ONLY recourse was the last aspect of his manliness, his idea of manliness, and that was the gun. Why did he buy so many?  Because he had NO other way to exhibit Manhood. His manliness was tied up in guns because that was the ONLY thing the culture taught. 

But see Virtue comes in a total package. If you don't have one, you have NONE of them. 

I mean how many here understand the word "Virtue"?  How many here have a smattering of Latin?

What are the first three letter of the word "Virtue"?  


Vir is Latin for Man. What is Virtus?  It literally means "To be a Man". 

No body in America knows that. How can any one be a Man without knowing and practicing Virtue?

Total Ignorance. 

Then it is NO wonder that failed men go around shooting things up. They know subconsciously that they are failed as men, and so they lash out in anger.

Society failed these people. The Church has failed not only American Society but American Males as well. 


Last edited by Clinias (2/21/2018 10:57 am)

"We are not in the world to give the laws...but in order to obey the commands of the gods".
~ Plutarch, priest of Apollo at the Doric Temple of Delphi.
Posted by Clinias
2/21/2018 11:09 am

The FIRST Virtue is Manliness. 

And it has been overlooked by one and all. 

It is the Foundation to the rest of the Virtues. Manliness is overall the most important, because it is the ground that the rest, rest upon. Manliness is Character in and of itself. 

There is NO training in Manliness anywhere in America. The males in America are being purposely harmed.

"We are not in the world to give the laws...but in order to obey the commands of the gods".
~ Plutarch, priest of Apollo at the Doric Temple of Delphi.
Posted by Clinias
2/22/2018 3:32 pm

This thread is about the *many* factors that go into school shootings and other mass shootings. 
1st factor ---  Fatherlessness
2nd factor ----  It's the Culture\
3rd factor  ---  Lack of the Virtue of Manliness/misconception of what manliness is. 

The fourth factor, which is a huge contributing determinant, is psychotropic drug use of the shooters. The article is posted which has quite an extensive list

And in this paper, quite eclectic, the author writes that mass shootings is akin to the "running amok" in ancient times. Previously, I postulated that these damaged people either do harm privately (suicide) or publicly (mass shootings). He is quoting a study:

 Cooper further highlights that amok may be an indirect expression of suicide, induced by the same psychosocial stressors that produced suicide in contemporary cultures (3) In essence, the author contends that amok is a product of mental illness, which has similar etiology and psychosocial precipitants worldwide (3).

Found here:

The author of the amok theory states that violence of the mass shooters is connected to these types of drugs:

Although amok explains the deep-seated human tendency to engage in acts of violence, it does nothing to explain the recent increase in frequency. While many argue that access to semiautomatic weapons explains the explosion in mass shootings, one long-neglected element of the conversation is that the recent rise in mass homicides coincides with the greatest use of cognition-altering psychiatric drugs ever observed in human history.

These type of drugs lower the power of a person to control his emotions or decision-making in regards to powerful and heavy psychological pressures of a degraded nihilistic alienation forming culture. Alcohol, drug abuse, and prescription/psychotropic drug use all lower inhibitions, making it easier for people to decide to do bad things when cold/sober the individual wouldn't dare. The use of psychotropic drugs is the Fourth factor in mass shootings. 

As in all the stupid show-boating protests over the Florida shooting exhibit, there was NO mention of this any where by the indoctrinated protesting students. 

Yes, when a pharmacy or doctor fills or prescribes these psychotropic drugs, they should be entered into the National Registry and any previous owned guns should be handed over to relatives/friends for safekeeping till the mental condition improves or to the cops.

There are MANY factors, there is just not one, that goes into these mass shootings and ----   NONE of this is talked about in the mainstream propaganda Leftist media. This is NOT about guns---it is about all the other stuff. The Left is purposely consciously and subconsciously creates these other small things all in an effort to do away with guns. Getting rid of guns is just a band-aid. Does not solve the problem whatsoever. They will learn, when guns are taken away, to use their cars to ram like how the Muslims do. 

"We are not in the world to give the laws...but in order to obey the commands of the gods".
~ Plutarch, priest of Apollo at the Doric Temple of Delphi.
Posted by seigneur
2/23/2018 2:37 am

It's amazing how American gun rightists are able to completely look past the first part of the 2nd Amendment, the part that says "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State..." and instead of this they read something like "Guns in people's hands being necessary to oppose the Evil Government..."

You, Clinias, take this tendency to a whole new level. Your ability to look past things and to assume connections that are not there is probably insurpassable. I warmly recommend, when you engage with people online, to make your responses roughly as long as the text you are responding to, not too much longer, and keep to the same terms and concepts that were in the original text.

Do not draw far-out conclusions based on your own assumptions. Rather, inquire to find out your opponent's assumptions.

Posted by Etzelnik
2/23/2018 7:05 am

Virtue + guns = no school shootings 
Virtue + no guns = no school shootings 
No virtue + no guns = no school shootings 
No virtue + guns = massacres all over the place

It's all quite simple. 

Another point, which reinforces Clinias, is that why exactly are we referring to a 19 year old as a child? In antiquity, a child became an adult with his physical maturity. In later times, that age has slightly gone up. In our times, however, people in their early 20s still consider themselves (and are considered by society) to be "children" 

Noli turbare circulos meos.

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