Practical Philosophy » Best reasons for BREXIT » 11/21/2017 4:23 pm |
Wait by memorable do you mean in the good way or the bad way?
Introductions » New to the forum! » 8/15/2017 5:21 pm |
I'm also a practicing Muslim to. Welcome as well
Theoretical Philosophy » Skeptical theism Pandora's box response. » 7/11/2017 7:56 pm |
Yeah I know that(I remember the Evil God fiasco). But for this argument I can't think of a defense for the skeptical theist, but then again I don't know much about skeptical theism.
Theoretical Philosophy » Skeptical theism Pandora's box response. » 7/11/2017 9:57 am |
I found a somewhat interesting issue regarding skeptical theism and the problem of Evil by Stephen Law:
What are everyone else's thoughts on this argument(I know Law isn't good with regards to classical theism, but he might present a challenge to non-classical theistic responses to evil like skeptical theism)Chit-Chat » Poll: Is the proposition “God exists” true? » 6/17/2017 11:44 pm |
Why is atheism incoherent? I'm still a novice so I would like to hear more about this mainly from John's point of view.
Practical Philosophy » Racial profiling and Free speech » 6/14/2017 6:28 am |
Yeah.......I'm still not convinced at ALL. The empirical evidence shows "misuse" is a characteristic of profiling, one I'd say is built into it's concept, and it's foundation. There are more then just "hurt feelings" as the articles I linked show that these can have literal psychological damage on people profiled. Let me ask you this Dennis with all due respect. Are you a security expert/law enforcement/work in any profession that is qualified to decide if profiling is a good idea/should be done, and assess if the studies done should be revised?
Just a side note, and tip, but I am largely unsympathetic to immigration complaints in America,Considering America was FOUNDED on immigrants(along with mass genocide,and forced capture/bringing to America of slaves but I'm getting off topic), and most of the complaints are from right-wing hacks/idiots like Breitbart who misuse information for their own agenda along with Trump's moronic "travel ban" and Mexico wall idea.
Practical Philosophy » Racial profiling and Free speech » 6/12/2017 9:02 pm |
The situations in the US and Israel are different. Unless of course you're idiot in chief Donald Trump who uses irrational fear mongering:
Practical Philosophy » Racial profiling and Free speech » 6/12/2017 6:07 pm |
I feel the need to say this. My issue I realized if not is whether or not it is intrinsincally immoral or not but whether it actually WORKS. I think with regards to racial profiling, no amount of hypothetical "thought" experiment is going to convince me about this. I mean the whole "thought experiment", hypothetical scenarios or whatever with regards to racial profiling are the exact same kind of crap Sam Harris(when he's not busy advocating debunked racial science) pulls to say justify his profiling of Muslims. This isn't ad hominem as actual security experts on this topic have proven him wrong with actual data/experience. So for me if racial profiling is shown to WORK by actual experts on this topic, I'd be willing to consider it, but so far actual experts have said otherwise:
Practical Philosophy » Homosexuality » 6/12/2017 5:27 pm |
Well to be more accurate there is no death penalty in Islam for homosexuality, and the punishment is the same as adultery/fornication(100 lashes) but only if it is a public act. These articles bring more accuracy to the topic:
Religion » Argument for the Prophethood of Muhammad(pbuh) » 6/03/2017 12:50 pm |
Ummm I guess the Bahai Faith is the true religion?????????
Seriously though I would like some of the Christians here who are convinced by the Resurrection Argument and other exclusively Christian arguments to take a look at this to see how they would react.