I know that iwpoe is a big fan of Heidegger with regards to his understanding of being and how it relates to classical theism, but does anyone else know other resources which expand upon this? I think I may have found one
Try this one! iwpoe, you love Heidegger? I never knew!
You like Heidegger too? What are your reasons for admiring him and how does this relate to classical theism?
Since I've not read him per se, I can't say I like Heidegger. I am interested in his work and I will read him sooner rather than later. I was given this series by a friend who told me that it was a pragmatist interpretation of Heidegger that couldn't be hand-waved or ignored. Given that, I will have to read him in due time and I'll tell you what I think, then.
I can make you a big list. So gimme a bit. The standard problem I run into reading about Heidegger in English is that most Heidegger scholars are incompetent with respect to classical metaphysics. Since his project is supposed to largely amount to a "confrontation" with the tradition, it is a travesty to have no deep understanding of that tradition. Dreyfus, for instance, God bless him, is in that position.