More demographics research:
Ah, yes. The great John West caper.
(If anything, I was trying to avoid the carping over “atheism”, "agnosticism", “skepticism”, etc. that I usually see in these kinds of polls (alas, probably without success).)
I think it's true, whether I have reasons that are demonstrative for that claim? Harder question.
Out of curiosity, John, what did you vote for?
I expected at least one other person to vote "Other."
Something like The proposition "God exists" is true only if by that we mean "God is Subsistent Being Itself.
Of course, I was thinking of how when we say something exists, we usually mean there is an instance of a species or genus, and God isn't an instance of any kind whatsoever, and that isn't strictly necessary anyhow.
Grace and Rust wrote:
I expected at least one other person to vote "Other."
Something like The proposition "God exists" is true only if by that we mean "God is Subsistent Being Itself.
Of course, I was thinking of how when we say something exists, we usually mean there is an instance of a species or genus, and God isn't an instance of any kind whatsoever, and that isn't strictly necessary anyhow.
Man, you guys are paranoid.
Both beings and God exist, if we're willing to use “exist” analogically. Beings exist contingently and derivatively; God's existence is identical with his essence.
Dennis wrote:
Out of curiosity, John, what did you vote for?
I voted for the third option. As far as I can tell, both theism and atheism are incoherent. (I'm happy to defend the thesis some time, if someone wants.)
I voted for other along similar lines to Grace and Rust. The proposition is true in a non-literal sense since God is the ground of Being.
Fair enough.
(For the record though, doctrine of analogy defenders would say the proposition is true in a sense that's literal, but analogical.)
John West wrote:
I voted for the third option. As far as I can tell, both theism and atheism are incoherent. (I'm happy to defend the thesis some time, if someone wants.)
Inb4 John's a deist! Well, of course I'd love to know what you think there. Time to find nominee's with whom you'll be exchanging blows!