John West wrote:
I'm not making the modal collapse objection. I'm making the indiscernible worlds objection. Dan makes the latter a follow-up to the former in his Five Proofs review, but they're distinct objections.
I don't see how God's reason for choosing w or v could be statistical or indeterministic. (I'm not even clear on what that means.) The libertarian free choice reply is a good one (though, as I mentioned, leads to problems of its own).
Other potential replies include necessitarianism and extreme modal realism.
Statistical/indeterministic in case we're not talking about God, but only of some necessary ground of existence. I reject that as I don't think it makes much sense and I think theism follows, but hey, the discussion is about PSR, so maybe a defender could appeal to statistical processes if they think it works.
It isn't the modal collapse objection, but presumably the issue is that there can be no reason why w rather than v. Roughly the same answers could be given here in the context of a free choice (or a statistical explanation); "no entailment", or self-explanatory contingent facts.
Maybe a theist can appeal to aesthetic considerations here, too.
Last edited by Miguel (7/03/2018 12:33 pm)